There is a job where one has the opportunity to be human to another. The key person who is present, who cares, who listens and who offers help. That is a care assistant.
Care assistants work in the social and health care sector in a supporting role, for example, in nursing homes for the elderly. There are three educational institutions in Varsinais-Suomi region where you can study to become a care assistant: Livia Vocational College, Salo Region Vocational College and Novida – Vocational and General Upper Secondary Education and Training.
They all had a task for Drama Queen: How to make a care assistant’s job more attractive and get more people to apply for training?
We want YOU to apply!
Drama Queen designed and created a joint website for the three institutions about the care assistant training. The colourful and inspiring website provides information about the job and highlights the benefits of the training.

Most important thing was to encourage everyone to apply. No matter how old you are, how well you speak Finnish or how afraid you are to change your career path. One of the main target groups are immigrants as well as career changers, and therefore Drama Queen arranged a fun photo shoot and interviewed two care assistant students who represent these groups. These videos can be found from the website and they were also used as a part of a social media campaign.
Feedback from client
Cooperation with Drama Queen has been smooth and flexible. They have brought fresh and slightly different ideas to the marketing communications, but at the same time have been able to take into consideration the wishes and needs of the client.
Drama Queen’s professionally designed campaigns brought a nice amount of traffic to the shared website and also to the institutions’ own websites. Drama Queen also provided us with analytical and tracking data on the success of the campaigns, and the campaigns were also improved on the basis of this information.
It was particularly positive that all three institutions received applications as a result of the jointly planned and implemented measures. In addition to the well-functioning cooperation, we have clearly achieved positive results.