Saipu-STT’s website was underselling the scale of their operations and the depth of their services. Drama Queens stepped in to revitalize their digital identity.
Saipu STT, specialized in demanding projects, offers its customers building technology solutions that take into account innovation, health and sustainability. Expanded during its 70 years of existence through various acquisitions, the company’s website had not kept up with the growth.
At the latest with the merger of two big players, Saipu and Suomen Talotekniikka (STT), it was clear that their online presence required a complete makeover to align with their status as one of Finland’s foremost building technology firms.
Drama Queen’s designers completely reimagined the layout, introducing modern, airy and fresh design elements for a visually appealing and easily navigable site.

The contents were written from a clean slate to reflect the group’s current operations, priorities and policies. Recognizing diverse user needs, Drama Queens planned coherent contents, user paths and shortcuts for customers, partners, job seekers, and interns, ensuring relevance and engagement for all visitors.
The revamped website now stands as a testament to the company’s excellence, showcasing their extensive service offerings and dedication to both customer and employee experience.