No shame in silver
Results of the Agency of the Year survey are a sure sign of spring. Drama Queen has had steady success in the survey. During the six years that it has been conducted in Finland, we have always been among the top three agencies. This year, expectations were boosted by a change in category, and we faced new challengers in the finals compared to previous years. Would it now be our turn to take the win?
Well. For the third time in a row – we won silver. However, after an initial small disappointment, it was very uplifting to read the survey results and realize the appreciation our clients had shown us. Our results were better than ever before, and the margin to the winning agency was very minimal.
This year, the Agency of the Year survey consisted of three sections: Basic, Professional, and Advanced. The subject areas of the questions addressed overall customer satisfaction, the strengths and weaknesses of the agency, and the prospects for the future of the collaboration. Customer satisfaction was assessed using 14 different indicators, the average of which marking the Overall Rating. Drama Queens overall rating this year was 8.96, which justified second place.
The areas in which our customers value us particularly highly are project management, end-customer knowledge, showing initiative and administrative practices and routines. In digital skills, creativity, value for money, commitment, strategic expertise and industry knowledge, we ranked second. I think these are all important for a fluent partnership, as well as the added value and business benefits created for the clients.
Drama Queen’s promise is to truly be on the client's side. It is something we are very proud of and where we make no compromises. Having said that, it was heartwarming to read the following results in particular: While 25% of all survey respondents considered or were about to change their agency, from Drama Queen clients not a single one was considering to change. The survey also asked customers' views on whether they perceive office collaboration more as a partnership or as a supplier-customer relationship. 75% of Drama Queen's clients consider Drama Queen as a partner and 25% as both partner and a supplier. Both figures are well above the survey average. For the second time, the Agency of the Year survey also found out clients' willingness to recommend, i.e. NPS. The NPS of Drama Queen given by clients is 64%, which is a staggering figure and the absolute elite of the entire study. So we truly are delivering on our promise to our clients, which I see as the most important measure of success.
As always, there is room for improvement. In addition to the first and second rankings already mentioned, there were a few areas where we were ranked third. Margins are measured in decimals, i.e. they are small, but naturally we will use the data from the survey to focus on the things we have to be a bit better at.
Finally, huge thanks to all our clients who took time to respond to the survey and gave us feedback in between their own work and responsibilities. My promise is that we’ll be even better this year, so that in the next survey we’ll take that one step up – and finally rise to the top podium.